3 Mar

The Freedom Fighter

Susan G. Komen for the Cure? I think they mean The Cure ,the English Goth band.

Susan G. Komen for the Cure withdrew their funding from Planned Parenthood because Planned Parenthood supports abortion.

Susan G. Komen didn’t know that when they first gave funding to the baby-killers? Why did they promptly reinstate funding to the Nazi-Eugenicists?

Do they think we’re stupid, or are they stupid? Any publicity is good publicity. This looks like a publicity stunt.

You should not be shocked to learn that many of these organizations are not really for what their names imply: Planned Parenthood is known for infanticide. They should be called Pre-Meditated Murderhood. Is The Freedom Fighter really for freedom?  Jesus said, you can tell a tree by its fruit. Is Susan G. Komen really for the cure?

What will they do when a cure is found and no one ever gets cancer again?

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