3 Mar

The Freedom Fighter

Proposition 37 in California failed to pass. If it was passed; genetically modified food in that state would have to be labeled as so. Apparently all the skinny, attractive, health conscious, trendy, Muscle Beach type of people there aren’t interested in knowing what they are feeding themselves and their families. Or, maybe the people of California are free and awake and don’t care what companies like Monsanto and Whole Foods are doing to the food because they buy their food from known, reputable sources and/or grow their own.

I doubt it.

We don’t need no stinkin’ labels!

A man in Tulsa got fired from his job at the Food Pyramid grocery store. Food Pyramid… looks and sounds like the Illuminati to me.

There are two types of Illuminati food:

1. The food that the Illuminati eat; good, natural, healthful, organic food that gives the body proper nutrition and promotes long life…

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